~ Joseph Pack

Being human in an AI world

Here's a short passage from one my favourite modern writers, Ted Gioia, about being human in an AI-driven world:


The actual winners will be holistic thinkers and empathetic individuals with human skills.

The important things in life can’t be quantified and run on a computer—I’m talking about love, care, trust, friendship, compassion, responsibility, family ties, kindness, dedication, faith, hope, courage, humility, respect, and human decency.

AI can’t deliver those. It merely pretends. And the pretending might fool some people, but feels like an insult to those who know better.

If you really want these qualities—and not a bot playing a part—you will turn to genuine human beings. And in those cases where trade-offs must be made between these human intangibles, AI is not only unreliable, but actually dangerous.


Me again:

So for those feeling left behind by the hyper growth of AI, perhaps rather than trying to catch you'd be better off turning towards what is intrinsic to you already. Being a human.

Sounds like a plan to me.