Online courses have a 97% drop-off rate
And I'll bet that number is higher for ADHD folk.
Udemy, a leading online course platform, claims the average student enrolled on one of their courses completes just 30% of the content.
So what's the solution?
Here's my idea:
Give all the content away for free. Highly produced and deeply thought out. Giving away all the skills and tools you'll need to do a certain thing (cook, code, write).
And then charge for accountability.
Accountability is the real reason people drop off from courses. When you're working alongside a group of other people, just like you, who want to learn something, it's much easier to stick at and learn the stuff.
However, there's a problem.
Buyers are impulsive. And sellers are greedy. The sellers don't really care that people don't finish their course, so long as they pocket the cash. And buyers forget that they've never completed an online course, spouting "this time will be different".
It won't be. It never is.
So, although I don't think this will eradicate the 97% problem. I do think it's a viable solution. So I'm going to give it a go. Watch this space.