Do the work, expect nothing
In two weeks time I'll have "Do The Work, Expect Nothing" tattooed on my leg.
Because it's the most direct and succinct quote I've found to explain the process of surrender. Of letting go. Of killing off the ego and leaving you in a state of never ending peace.
Geoff Thompson's wrote those words. In his beautiful book, The Divine CEO.
Here's a little excerpt:
"Those who serve with no expectation are always rewarded.
When we hear about someone's tremendous kindness to others, but not from the benefactor themselves, they are automatically elevated in our esteem. But even then, when people do find out, still be modest. There is no room for personal pride; when you know that you are not the doer of your deeds, you are not the one who gifts; you are simply the delivery driver.
Do the work, expect nothing"
When I first read these lines it was like being struck by lightning. What was once dark became light. Where there was confusion about how to surrender to the natural flow of life, there was now understanding.
And it all came via five short words:
Do The Work, Expect Nothing.