"I can't meditate"
Something I hear a lot:
"I can't meditate".
I ask why they think that.
The common response:
"My mind is too busy".
And I always reply: "That's wonderful! You know you're not your mind. You watched it chattering along like a crazy person. You don't realise how important this is. Almost nobody realises that they are not their mind and you've just done it in one meditation session".
Look, the point of meditation is NOT to make the mind stop talking.
The single most important part of meditation is to sit and objectively watch the mind. Now, you won't be able to do that from day one. But you will notice how busy your mind is. And it'll make you cry out "I can't do this".
But you're wrong.
The practice of meditation is not the empty mind the buddhists talk about. Or the visions some talk about. They're nice thing. But they pursuit of them distracts you from the work that needs to be done. Learning to watch the mind with 100% objectivity. Because once you can do that you're no longer taking anything the mind says seriously. And once you do that you're so close to being free from it.
Once you do that, the real work starts:
What you're doing while you're not meditating.
At this point you cultivate the ability to ignore everything the mind says all day long. And soon enough it will shut up. Then you'll know what the Bible meant by "The peace that passeth all understanding".
So if you're reading this thinking you can't meditate because your mind is too busy. Think again. Take onboard the above and have another go.